Monday, November 05, 2007


I'm issuing an all points bulletin. I seem to be missing my coveted Nebraska sweatshirt. I cannot remember the last time I wore it, but with the current Cleveland temps I'm longing for it. Does anyone remember seeing me it? Did I loan it to you? Is it in your car? Your closet? HELP!!!


Lui5 said...

Um, I think I have it here. I used it to clean the black dirt off my window sill.

Anonymous said...

Did you check Goodwill?

Renee said...

Funny that you say that Lu. I think I loaned it to you in June when we were on Kelleys Island. Please wash and return. Give it back!!!!

Lui5 said...

I think Von is right. That shiz is at Goodwill or belongs there. I ain't got it.

Renee said...

Can you check Brian's closet?

Brian said...

I ain't got nothing like that, if I would have it I sure as hell wouldn't tell anyone!

Brian said...

Did this ever show up?