Thursday, August 28, 2008

New Toy

Juliano surprised me with an early anniversary present! It's a cute little pink Canon PowerShot, just in time for our upcoming trip to Germany. Very compact. And it takes lovely pictures. Below are a few of the first shots taken with it. Of course the first is of our Muffin and the other is a rose along the driveway--The macro setting works great.


Lui5 said...

I love the camera! Great pics!

Anonymous said...

Muffin needs a groomin

Anonymous said...

Was that camera on wide angle for Muffin?

Renee said...

Uh Uh. That's just wrong. She's big furred.

Anonymous said...

Great gift ... better than the relic that you brought to Brian's wedding!

Renee said...

Thank you Joy. I mean that camera had a 30 second pause between shots.