Sunday, August 31, 2008

Thunder in the Sky

Anyone who has ever been in Cleveland over Labor Day weekend is quite familiar with the sounds that echo in our skies. The Cleveland National Air Show takes place every year and we are fortunate to be able to see the Navy's Blue Angels right in our own backyard! We hear and feel them more than we actually see them. I sat in the yard today and captured these images. My reaction was slow, but give me a break...these jets are cruising.

Zoomed in...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

New Toy

Juliano surprised me with an early anniversary present! It's a cute little pink Canon PowerShot, just in time for our upcoming trip to Germany. Very compact. And it takes lovely pictures. Below are a few of the first shots taken with it. Of course the first is of our Muffin and the other is a rose along the driveway--The macro setting works great.

Friday, August 22, 2008

License Plate

I wandered the parking lot while my Mom was in recovery after her cataract surgery and I saw this car! A scary plate to see in a hospital parking lot! For those that can't see it because I have a shitty camera on my phone, it says "E COLI". EEK.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Annual Yard Sale

We didn't have many customers at our yard sale this year. Theresa's Mom made out OK, but Theresa and I each sold less than $10. Bummer. Once again Theresa brought her leather jacket to sell and my Mom had to try it on while wearing her blue blocker sunglasses.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

40th Reunion

Last weekend, we traveled to New Germany, Pennsylvania for the 40th Annual Schrift Family Reunion. To commemorate the event, Juliano designed retro-style t-shirts that nearly everyone wore. We had a turn out of 108 Schrifts, 82 were sporting a festive shirt.

AT&T Bars!

The Cool, Kid-less Cousins

All my Dad's siblings and in-laws

Jen and Caleb (aka Dub)

Zachary Long-Winner of the dirtiest kid contest