Friday, January 18, 2013

Lovely evening in the city

Grabbed dinner at the Great Lakes Brewing Company last night. Had a delicious Cleveland Brown Ale with a Rueben! The Market tower looked lovely as we walked back to the car...

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Project for 2013

For years, I've enjoyed creating fun pillowcases for family and friends. In 2013, I plan to start a special project. I'd like to make my cases and put them on pillows for children that find themselves at a local shelter that specializes in assisting neglected children. Often times, these kids are escaping abusive homes and show up with very little. I'd like them to go to sleep with a cuddly pillow. This would be theirs to keep and take with them.

I haven't officially named my project, but an idea that has come to mind is "Sweet Dreams." It's not clever enough for me though. I welcome your creative word-smithing!

I will be meeting with the shelter soon to discuss making this all possible. And I'll keep you posted with its progress...

Here are a few of my most recent cases: