We had quite a snow storm in Cleveland over the last 2 days. The storm dumped nearly 2 feet of snow on us! Juliano ventured out to shovel on Wednesday afternoon. He quickly realized the task was daunting. And we had to call in the Grecos. Those of you that do not know the Grecos need to picture two guys that will do anything for you at any time of the day. Sure, you have to put up with a little lip from them, but they get the job done. Last Spring, in less than 15 minutes, I watched these two carry 15 cement boards up 2 flights of stairs and then proceed to carry a cast iron tub out of our bathroom. They're unreal.
The Grecos arrived around 5:30 and within 30 minutes, our driveway was clear. And then they did the sidewalk!! Juliano and I cannot thank them enough for helping us out.
Note below that Boogers Greco wore a pair of gold lamay pants while shoveling.

Are you sure that the snow just wasn't melted off by the intense reflective qualities of the gold pants??? I see a lot of snow missing around Boogers...
I think that Katraz is correct on that call. Where does Boogers purchase such quality pants? One could put a pair on and walk the hood, and snow would melt instantly. It's a money maker, better than shoveling!
Damn! And I thought the 6 inches we got here in Chicagoland was a lot of snow. Can I get them to help me shovel our driveway?
Please, we all know that Lui5 called into work on the day of the big "storm" here.
I mean I would have liked to stay home all day, wrapped in my afghan, watching Star Wars. (OK maybe not Star Wars). The mail wasn't even checked when I got home from work.
As for the snow in Cleveland, all I can say is DAMN!!!
I want you all to know that I must drive 30 miles to work, and in the 10 + inches that Cleveland received, I went to work in my Dakota 4x4. I was the only one on I480 - and I even passed up the plow on my way in. There were only 10 of us that showed up at work, and 3 of us lived near Cleveland. Why is it that people that live close, could not make it to work, but those that lived 30 miles away, and had more snow, still made it in ?
I'm not sure mama. I was sitting on my couch that day!
You's crazy driving in that weather. I thought only medical workers were to be out on the roads. Is the spring industry so critical that people are to drive in blizzard conditions to ensure a day of work is not missed?
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