Juliano and I stepped out for a few hours this morning and returned home to find a mess in the kitchen, courtesy of Miss Muffin Skylar. Apparently, we didn't latch the cupboard and Miss Muffin climbed up onto the counter (no no #1) and got into the cupboard (no no #2). She rummaged around in the cabinet, knocking down glass jars of balsamic vinegar and olive oil. She finished off her mischief by knocking over all my spices.
As punishment she is receiving no Pounce kitty treats today.
Here are some before and after shots of the cupboard.

I think kitty was looking for some herbs, give the cat some nip for crying out loud.
Oh hellz no, when the police show up at your door because your cat has knocked a glass off and broke it on the floor and the alarm company has dispatched the police to your house, then come and tell me about your bad kitty !!!!
I think the real question is, "Why the hell do you have BEFORE photos of your kitchen cabinets?"
you know what, I think Muffin was set up.....
Ok, it really isn't a "before" picture. It's an "after Renee cleaned up" photo. But it looked the same way BEFORE Muffin got in the gosh darn cupboard.
It started with Mili Vanilli and "Girl You Know It's True" in the 80's and has led to fake blogging.
What a sad, sad, sad world we live in.
Next I'll find out that we really didn't land on the moon.
Or that the Earth was created a mere 12,000 years ago....
I vote for St Muffin !
how exactly did Brian draw a parallel between Mili Vanilli in the 80's and blogging now??
Does Muffin lipsync to music and record it as her own ?
Because he's Brian and he ain't lyin'.
Muffin Vanilli, Kitty-you know it's true...
I think the connection Brian made between Milli Vanilli and blogging was brilliant - brilliant!
Hi Renee!
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