Saturday, May 12, 2007

Dragonfly Days in Texas

I'm off to McAllen, TX on Wednesday. McAllen is the Square Dance Capitol of the World. Remember this little jingle from Bugs Bunny...

Step right up, you're doin' fine,
I'll pull your beard, you pull mine.
Yank it again, like you did before,
Break it up with a tug o' war.

Grab a fence post, hold it tight,
Womp your partner with all your might.
Hit him in the shin, hit him in the head,
Hit him again, the critter ain't dead.

Wop him low and wop him high,
Stick your finger in his eye.
Pretty little rhythm, pretty little sound,
Bang your heads against the ground.


Parma Area Fine Arts Council said...

I love this cartoon! They two hillbilly dudes are dancing and Buggs is telling them what to do. And they do it!

Renee said...

You got it. It's too funny. Wait, were your neighbors in this cartoon??