Monday night Juliano, my Mom and I had the pleasure of getting tickets to the Tribe game! We started the evening off right with ballpark dogs and $7 beers! After loading the dogs up with the appropriate condiments, we headed to our awesome seats and got settled in. First inning Boston scored 4 runs. By the 3rd inning not much was happening so I decided to go get my Mom an ice cream cone. The second I exited the seating area, Sizemore hits a homerun with one guy on base. This will turn out to be the only runs of the evening! Totally missed due to an ice cream cone. To kill the pain, I had another $7 beer, a loaded nachos and a bag of cotton candy. Needless to say, I was sick all night. But being there at the game was so much fun. It was my Mom's first time in the stadium and she loved it. Jules said that when Sizemore hit the homerun, she jumped out of her seat and screamed the whole time he ran around the bases!

Mama Schrift looks like she's having a ball!
How cool to see your mom! And also you. You look so much the same! Not that you would have changed, but it's literally been over a decade since I've seen you. You look great!
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