Saturday, September 01, 2007

Muffin's Trip to the Vet

We had to take Little Miss Muffin to the vet on Friday. She wasn't herself and we noticed a big black spot on her chin. She never traveled to the vet in her new pet taxi so she ran right into it all excited to be hiding out! Little did she know her destination. Turns out the recent hot weather was making her sick and she has a case of kitty acne. While at the vet, she got her distemper and rabies shots, as well as her ears cleaned out and her first dose of kitty "clearasil"!

Apparently this is what a day at the vet does to you:


Lui5 said...

Awwwww, I hope Muffin feels better but I've never freakin heard of Kitty Acne! You sure the vet didn't tell you that just to make some money off of you? Anywayz, Lucy is always out for a few good hours after a visit to the vet as well. The stress really gets to them.

Parma Area Fine Arts Council said...

I have never heard of kitty acne either. What the heck is the pet world coming to ?

anne said...

It's real, the kitty acne. And they almost always get it on the chin. Mine has it; she gets generic store-brand medication.

Muffin is adorable.

Brian said...

Did you think of trying Procativ?

I'm sure you could Photoshop Muffin out of that picture and put her anywhere in the house and it would be a regular day at the Boronka house.