Thursday, May 29, 2008

Shout Out

Happy Birthday to my sister Yvonne. She's celebrating her xx birthday today! Hugs and Kisses.

Me & Yvonne circa 1971


Anonymous said...

So cute!

Lui5 said...

Happy Birthday Yvonne!! What the Frack? Is that a bumber curler in your hair?

Anonymous said...

What amazing looks we Schrift's possess ... that's all I can say!
Happy Belated to Yvonne!

Can't wait to see this week's family photo posting in honor of your birthday!

Anonymous said...

yvonne, Happy Belated Birthday! Can we get an updated picture with curlers to do the side by side profile, now wouldn't that be something! Just kidding!

Samanny said...

Happy Birthday Renee! I tried to send you an email but it was returned. I must have the wrong address. Email me!