Sunday, October 12, 2008

How easily all hell can break loose

So last weekend, I visited my cousin Jen and her family in Charlotte. Jen and Mike have two cutie pies, Nikolas and Caleb. While one is sleeping, the other is an angel. But when they're both awake, it doesn't take much for all hell to break loose. The scene below will make anyone who has ever visited shiver with fear. Yes, Caleb was attempting to play with one of Nikolas's 2 million toys. As you can image, the photo below led to chaos at the Melkonian household.

Dub reading a book

Niko making me suffer through the famous 1980s Trucks movie

The Truck movie Jen rented at the Library

Nikolas showing me Wingo from Cars (what a cute movie)


Anonymous said...

I think the pictures look pretty calm ... Jen sure does have those boys together!

Anonymous said...

Are we doing another spring road trip to Jen's in 2009?

I mean, what's up gangstas!

Anonymous said...

Pictures can be deceiving. Renee was good sport! My boys are at that sibling stage that they love to taunt and torture the other one. We would be up for you guys to come again and the pool should be done by december. We can heat that bad boy up and jump in or at least use the hot tub. They started demolition today!! Yay!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to know that demolition is under way ... and a hot tub will be much better in the springtime anyways! Can't wait!

Miss Buckeye - you in?

Renee said...

I can't say for sure. We'll likely head out West a few times next year to Durango and Sacramento. I don't think a trip to Charlotte is in the books. Sorry Ladies. We'll have to wait and see, I only get so much vacation time.

Anonymous said...

Well, we'll just have to have crazy fun without you present and text you insanely!

Anonymous said...

Also, don't you be revoking our summer trip plans to come to Cleveland for your museum's 'party'! I think you said it was in June ... I haven't forgotten!

Anonymous said...

well, all are welcome and if boronkas cannot come maybe travis would be game for road trip with you guys cause he does have 2 brothers down here for petes sake. There has been an exacavator in the backyard since friday morning. They parked it there and did one dig and it started raining and they left.