Monday, January 22, 2007

City of Cleveland vs. Renee B.

Well, it's official. I have submitted my Notice of Appeal for my unjustiifed parking ticket of December 28. How can one place coins in a meter when the meter is malfunctioning and will not accept change? Yet, I'm supposed to pay a $25 ticket?

Today, I submitted my appeal with three notaized affidavits from my co-workers that witnessed my attempts to insert quarters and dimes into the meter. We even left a dime in the meter to show our intentions before going into a downtown buidling for less than 10 minutes. When we came out the meter maid was writing the ticket. We approached him and he acknowledged that the meter was not working. HE ACKNOWLEDGED THAT IT WOULD NOT ACCEPT CHANGE. He also told us he would note that in the "system". Apparently the note was not made.

On January 10, I recieve a letter from the City stating that I must pay my outstanding $25 ticket. I decided to take it to court. Most would simply pay the ticket, but it's the priciple of it all. I would have much rather put my coins in the meter and not had it come to this.

I'll keep you posted with how this turns out. I should receive my court date in a few weeks.


katraz said...

you know what they say.. "You can't fight city hall" Which is a crock. You can fight them all you want, you just may not win. I'd like to see their reason on this one.

Anonymous said...

I hope Judge Judy's on your side! Good luck!

Jules said...

Ah, I miss Judge Julie...

Irregardless, I hope Joy learned her lesson. You should not talk on the phone while driving. Many accidents occur because of this distraction. Cleveland needs this law, right Renee?

Parma Area Fine Arts Council said...

Good Luck with dat!
Last time I went to "cleveland comedy court" I had a parking ticket, right out front of my house. My car bumper was in my own driveway, and the officer told me that the owners of the house called and reported me. I flat out told him he's a liar, because I would not call on myself ! I ended up paying $25 parking ticket and a $52 court fee...

Renee said...

This is great. So you called on yourself??! This city is jacked! :-)

Parma Area Fine Arts Council said...

This was the Alero, so it was about 5 years ago !

This city is jacked !

Anonymous said...

You go girl-I hope you win!