We made it to my Mom's on Sunday around 2pm for side meat and all the fixins. We found her car (below) encased in a block of snow. The highlight of dinner was hearing a horrible crashing sound and looking out to see the gutter on Mama's house hanging in the driveway. Mama and Billy were over in no time to rip it down! Damn. I'm so mad I didn't snap a picture.
Easter lilies from Yvonne are below.

DAMN IT LUIS! Why didn't you want to go to C-Town for Easter? I would have wet myself like Renee at her wedding if I would have seen that gutter in the driveway!
"Side meat" RULES.
"Side meat" is the BEST!
Your car looks like a big ole egg! Eggwoo! Ha ha!
Why you hurt on my gutters?
Anyway, we needs to replace more that just the gutters now. Since Billiam and Mark pulled the gutter off, on the way down it ripped all the screenage in the windows.
Uh uh. I did not pee my pants at my wedding. Uh uh. Jen Frank was most helpful in the bathroom.
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